15 Best Songs About Islands

Best Songs About Islands

Islands have always been a source of fascination for humans, inspiring us with their beauty, mystery, and isolation. In the world of music, “Songs About Islands” offer a diverse and captivating collection of tunes that capture the many moods and experiences of island life. 

From the carefree rhythms of tropical paradise to the haunting melodies of remote outposts, these songs transport us to a world of sun, sand, and sea. So, whether you’re a reggae, folk, or rock music fan, the world of “Songs About Islands” has something for everyone. 

Kokomo – The Beach Boys

“Kokomo” by The Beach Boys is one of music history’s most iconic songs about islands. The song, released in 1988, falls under the pop rock genre and features upbeat tropical rhythms that transport listeners to a sunny beach paradise. 

The song is about escaping the daily grind and heading to the tropical paradise of Kokomo, where the waves are inviting, the drinks are cold, and the palm trees sway in the breeze. The lyrics perfectly represent the island lifestyle and make you want to book a one-way ticket to the nearest beach.

The overall impression of “Kokomo” is that of a laid-back island getaway. The infectious melodies and harmonies make it impossible not to sway your hips and tap your feet. Beach parties and bars worldwide still play the song, which has become a classic. The Beach Boys are no strangers to the beach lifestyle, and “Kokomo” is just one example of their musical love affair with the sea. 

Formed during the 1960s in California, the band became famous for its upbeat surf music that embodied the essence of beach living. They have remained a beloved band for decades and continue to inspire new generations of music lovers with their timeless hits.

Island in the Sun – Weezer

Island in the Sun by Weezer is a sunny, upbeat tune that perfectly captures the carefree spirit of island living. The song falls under the alternative rock genre and features dreamy guitar riffs, catchy lyrics, and a sense of nostalgia that will transport you straight to a tropical paradise.

The lyrics paint a picture of a perfect getaway where one can leave the world’s worries behind and enjoy life to the fullest. Whether lying on the beach or dancing under the stars, this song is the perfect anthem for anyone seeking a little escape.

What sets Island in the Sun apart from other island-themed songs is how it simultaneously manages to be lighthearted and heartfelt. While the lyrics may be simple, they convey a longing for a simpler life and a desire to escape the modern world’s stresses. 

Weezer formed in the early 90s as a response to the grunge movement that dominated the music scene at the time, reflecting this sentiment in the band’s history. With Island in the Sun, the band created a timeless classic that remains a favorite among fans today. So, grab your sunglasses and a favorite tropical drink, and let Weezer transport you to your island in the sun.

Margaritaville – Jimmy Buffett

Margaritaville, the iconic hit by Jimmy Buffett, is a classic example of the laid-back, carefree style of music that has become synonymous with the islands. In this song, the genre of “tropical rock” takes us on a journey to where we feel time slow down, where the drinks flow constantly, and where we leave our worries at the door.

The lyrics are about escaping the hustle and bustle of everyday life and living in the moment. From sipping on margaritas to wasting away in Margaritaville, this song captures the essence of island living and the desire to leave our worries behind.

The overall impression of Margaritaville is that it’s a fun, upbeat song that transports us to a place of relaxation and freedom. It’s easy to imagine yourself on a tropical island, feeling the warm sun on your face and the cool breeze in your hair as you sing along to the catchy chorus. The song’s popularity has stood the test of time, remaining a staple at beach parties and vacation destinations worldwide. 

With its infectious melody and relatable lyrics, it’s no wonder why Margaritaville remains a favorite fan decades after its initial release. As for the history of the song and the band, Jimmy Buffett has been a mainstay in the music industry for over five decades, and Margaritaville remains one of his most famous and enduring hits.

Jamaica Farewell – Harry Belafonte

Jamaica Farewell is an all-time classic by Harry Belafonte that has stood the test of time since its release in 1956. As a pioneer of calypso music, Belafonte was a trailblazer in the music industry, bringing the vibrant sounds of the Caribbean to the mainstream. Jamaica Farewell perfectly represents this genre, filled with lively rhythms, catchy melodies, and unforgettable lyrics.

The song tells the story of a man leaving Jamaica and bidding farewell to his love and the island he calls home. The lyrics are filled with nostalgia, painting a vivid picture of the island’s beauty, from the crystal-clear waters to the colorful sunsets. 

Belafonte’s smooth vocals carry the listener on a journey to the Caribbean, making it easy to get lost in the song’s enchanting atmosphere. Overall, Jamaica Farewell is a timeless classic that captures the essence of the Caribbean and will have you dreaming of palm trees and sandy beaches in no time.

Escape (The Piña Colada Song) – Rupert Holmes

Escape (The Piña Colada Song) is a classic 1979 pop song by Rupert Holmes that perfectly captures the laid-back island vibe. The song falls under the soft rock and pop genres, and it tells the story of a man who is bored with his relationship and decides to answer a personal ad in the newspaper. 

However, much to his surprise, the woman who placed the ad turns out to be his current partner, and the two of them rekindle their love over piña coladas.

The song’s lyrics are playful, humorous, and easy to sing along to, making it an instant hit that continues to be popular today. Escape (The Piña Colada Song) is a fun and catchy tune that transports listeners to a tropical paradise where the only thing that matters is love, laughter, and piña coladas. 

The overall impression of the song is one of pure escapism and carefree happiness that perfectly captures the spirit of island life.

Caribbean Blue – Enya

Caribbean Blue by Enya is a hauntingly beautiful song that perfectly captures the essence of island life. The track, which falls under the new-age music genre, is characterized by its mesmerizing melody and Enya’s angelic vocals. 

The lyrics are open to interpretation but evoke images of tropical paradise, referencing the sun, sea, and sky. Enya’s use of layered vocals and ethereal instrumentation creates a dreamy soundscape that transports listeners to a world of tranquility and beauty.

The overall impression of Caribbean Blue is one of peacefulness and serenity. Enya’s voice and the instrumental accompaniment create a sense of calm that is perfect for relaxation or meditation. The song is also highly evocative, conjuring images of clear blue waters, golden sands, and lush greenery. 

Caribbean Blue perfectly captures the allure of idyllic destinations, making it no wonder that it is considered one of the best songs about islands. Enya’s unique blend of Celtic and New Age music styles and haunting voice have made her one of the most recognizable and beloved artists of her time.

Volcano – Jimmy Buffett

“Volcano” by Jimmy Buffett is a classic island-themed tune that perfectly captures the carefree spirit of island life. The song falls under the country rock genre, and its lyrics paint a vivid picture of an island paradise with the perfect mix of danger and relaxation. 

The song is about escaping the stresses of everyday life and living in the moment, where time is not a concern, and the only things that matter are the sun, sea, and sand.

Jimmy Buffett released the song as part of his ninth studio album, “Volcano,” in 1979. It was a commercial success, reaching number 14 on the Billboard 200 chart. Buffett’s travels to the Caribbean and his love for island life inspired the album, a recurring theme in much of his music. 

Overall, “Volcano” has become a fan favorite and a staple of Jimmy Buffett’s live performances, and it’s easy to see why – it’s a timeless classic that perfectly captures the spirit of island living.

Electric Avenue – Eddy Grant

Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant is a catchy, upbeat song that perfectly captures the spirit of the Caribbean islands. The song is a fusion of reggae and rock, creating a unique and infectious sound that has stood the test of time. 

The song’s lyrics describe the tensions and violence that erupted in the Brixton district of London in 1981, but they also contain a message of hope and unity. The chorus, “We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue, and then we’ll take it higher,” encourages listeners to unite and overcome their differences.

Overall, Electric Avenue is a fun and energetic song celebrating the islands’ spirit. The combination of reggae and rock creates a nostalgic and modern sound, making it a classic that appeals to people of all ages. 

Many artists have covered the song over the years, and it remains one of the most recognizable and beloved songs about the Caribbean islands.

Coconut Telegraph –  Jimmy Buffett

Coconut Telegraph by Jimmy Buffett is a delightful tune that perfectly captures the essence of island life. With its upbeat tempo and playful lyrics, it falls under the genre of tropical rock, which is a fusion of rock, pop, and reggae music. 

The song is a fun and lighthearted commentary on the power of gossip and how information travels quickly on an island, thanks to the ubiquitous coconut telegraph.

The lyrics of Coconut Telegraph paint a vivid picture of life on an island, with references to the sun, sand, and sea. The song tells how rumors and gossip can spread like wildfire in a close-knit community, especially on an island where everyone knows each other. 

Despite the negative connotations of gossip, the song has an overall upbeat vibe that leaves listeners feeling happy and carefree. The infectious melody and catchy chorus make it a favorite among fans of Jimmy Buffett, who has become synonymous with the laid-back island lifestyle.

Calypso – John Denver

John Denver’s Calypso is a classic folk song that perfectly captures the laid-back vibe of island life. The song is a fusion of folk and calypso genres, with Denver’s smooth vocals and soothing guitar strums transporting listeners to a world of sun, sand, and sea. 

The song’s lyrics tell the story of Jacques Cousteau, the famous French oceanographer, and his research ship, Calypso. Denver’s admiration for Cousteau shines through the lyrics as he sings about the wonders of the ocean and the need to protect it for future generations.

The overall impression of Calypso is one of relaxation and escape. The combination of Denver’s mellow voice and the upbeat calypso rhythm creates a sense of tropical bliss that is impossible to resist. 

The song reminds us that there is more to life than the hustle and bustle of everyday living and that sometimes we need to step back and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. With its timeless message and catchy melody, Calypso is a true classic that will continue to inspire listeners for generations to come.

The Tide is High – Blondie

Blondie’s “The Tide is High” is a classic song that captures the essence of island living. The reggae-infused pop tune was released in 1980 and quickly became a hit, reaching the top of the charts in several countries. 

The genre-blending track combines rock, pop, and reggae elements, making it a perfect addition to any island-themed playlist.

Lyrically, the song is about someone in love but struggling to commit fully to their partner. The protagonist uses the tide metaphor to express their internal conflict, comparing their emotions to the ebb and flow of the ocean. 

Despite their doubts, the chorus declares their devotion: “The tide is high, but I’m holding on. I’m going to be your number one.” The overall impression of the song is one of joy and positivity, with a catchy chorus that will have you singing along in no time.

Hawaii Five-O – Morton Stevens

One of the most iconic songs about islands is “Hawaii Five-O” by Morton Stevens. The instrumental track exemplifies surf rock, a genre characterized by fast-paced, upbeat melodies and guitar-driven arrangements that became popular in the 1960s.

The creators intended the song to serve as the theme for a television program that depicted the adventures of a fictional state police unit in Hawaii, airing between 1968 and 1980.

Despite its lack of lyrics, “Hawaii Five-O” is instantly recognizable thanks to its catchy hook and driving rhythm section. The song captures the feeling of being on a tropical island with its upbeat tempo and lively guitar riffs. The track, created specifically to set the tone for the TV show, celebrates Hawaii’s natural beauty and laid-back lifestyle.

Various media still use the song today to symbolize the island’s charm and allure, and it remains popular. Morton Stevens was a prolific composer and arranger who worked in the film and television industry for many years. He created the “Hawaii Five-O” theme specifically for the TV show, produced by Leonard Freeman and starred Jack Lord as Detective Steve McGarrett. 

The CBS Orchestra originally recorded the song, later becoming a hit single for the Ventures, a surf rock band also popular in the 1960s. The Ventures’ version of “Hawaii Five-O” peaked at #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1969 and helped to popularize the song further. Today, the track is considered a classic of the surf rock genre and a beloved piece of pop culture history.

Coconut – Harry Nilsson

Coconut by Harry Nilsson is a classic tune that captures the carefree spirit of island life. The song perfectly represents the calypso genre, which originated in Trinidad and Tobago and became popular in the Caribbean islands. Nilsson’s unique blend of calypso, folk, and rock music creates a catchy tune that will make you want to dance.

Coconut’s lyrics describe a man’s story of survival on a deserted island, sustained only by coconuts. He tries different ways to prepare the coconut, but it always tastes the same. Eventually, he comes up with the idea of putting the lime in the coconut, which he believes will solve his problem. 

The song’s upbeat tempo and quirky lyrics make it an instant classic, and it is still beloved by fans of all ages today. The overall impression of Coconut is a fun, lighthearted song that captures the essence of island life.

Banana Pancakes –  Jack Johnson

Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson is an easy-going, feel-good tune that perfectly captures the laid-back island vibe. The song is a classic example of Johnson’s signature sound, blending acoustic guitar, gentle vocals, and a mellow beat to create a unique brand of surf-folk. 

The lyrics revolve around taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoying the simple pleasures of island living. Johnson’s easy-going vocal delivery perfectly captures the song’s message, making it an ideal addition to any island-themed playlist.

The overall impression of Banana Pancakes is one of relaxation, happiness, and contentment. The song’s lyrics and music work together to create an idyllic image of island life, where the sun always shines, and the pace of life is slow and unhurried. 

Even if you’ve never set foot on an island, the song’s laid-back charm will surely transport you there in spirit. Jack Johnson is a singer-songwriter from Hawaii who first rose to fame in the early 2000s with his debut album Brushfire Fairytales. 

Thanks to his catchy tunes and feel-good lyrics, he has become one of the most successful and beloved artists in the surf-folk genre. Banana Pancakes is just one of many songs in his discography that celebrates island living and remains a fan favorite.

Back to the Island – Leon Russell

“Back to the Island” by Leon Russell is a soulful ballad that takes listeners on a musical journey to the tranquil shores of an idyllic island. The song, which falls under the rock and roll genre, speaks to the allure of escaping to an island paradise where life is simple, and the world’s worries are left behind. 

The poetic lyrics vividly depict crystal-clear waters, white sand beaches, and swaying palm trees.

Russell’s song, “Back to the Island,” is about the desire to disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and reconnect with nature’s tranquility. The lyrics perfectly capture the essence of island life, the freedom of the open sea, and the serenity of being surrounded by the beauty of the natural world. 

Russell’s smooth vocals and the song’s gentle melody create an overall impression of calm and peacefulness, inviting listeners to join in on the quest to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

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Best Songs About Islands Recap

Best Songs About Islands List

In conclusion, “Songs About Islands” offers a captivating and diverse soundtrack to island life’s many moods and experiences. They capture the carefree rhythms of tropical paradises, the haunting melodies of remote outposts, and everything in between. 

Whether you’re dreaming of a warm escape or just looking for a musical journey to transport you to new horizons, the world of “Songs About Islands” has something for everyone. So, sit back, relax, and let the rhythms and melodies of your favorite “Songs About Islands” carry you to a world of sun, sand, and sea.

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